Brand Ambassadors!
Hello everyone! Are you interested in becoming a Brand Ambassador and representing Littlefair’s across your social media? If so, please continue reading to find out more!
Firstly, we’d like to introduce you to our fantastic Brand Ambassadors, who we brought on board a couple of months ago! - Chris and Lana and their business, Blackberry Willow and David and his business, The Happy Wood Company!
First up is Blackberry Willow!
We are Chris and Lana of Blackberry Willow. We are a doctor and nurse duo who have both always loved creating and making things. We have never been one to sit still in front of the TV. If we aren’t out in the woods with our tatty Patterdale terrier Obi, we are sawing, sanding, painting and generally getting dirty! Looking for a project to keep ourselves busy, Blackberry Willow was born!
We started with a few Christmas wreaths and hand made signs, and have now expanded to bespoke framed pictures, garden signs and small woodworking projects such as bath boards, blanket ladders and similar items.
We have used Littlefair’s wood dyes in our home for some time, loving the pigments and the eco friendly ethos. So it was a natural progression for us to use them in our business. We were thrilled to be approached to be Brand Ambassadors!
Watch this space, we have much more to come!
Love, Blackberry Willow x
Please show your support and follow and like their social media accounts! You’ll find them on Instagram and Facebook! Their search handles are:
Blackberry Willow creates many beautiful pieces, the photos below have been lovingly handcrafted and finished in our range of Water Based Wood Dyes from our Pastel Colours, Driftwood Collection and Traditional Wood Colours.
Sensual Soft White
Beach Hut Blue and Titan Topcoat

Driftwood Grey
Medium Oak
Next is The Happy Wood Company!
The Happy Wood Company began half way through the first lockdown. I have been a Professional Guitarist and Tutor for almost 20 years, the pandemic really hit every aspect of my working life really hard. It devastated it. It was a hard realisation of how fragile something that I have dedicated my entire adult life to really was.
I began working in a local workshop, more of a production line set up, making shelves, and some glue up projects like deeper shelves, coffee table tops. Not so much for the money but to learn and keep busy (I still liked the money, I'm not rich). I really enjoyed this. I was learning a lot, enjoying the people around me, but most importantly I was realising that it is possible for me to do something else other than play and teach music.
Having enjoyed some home woodwork projects I decided to see if I could make some tables for other people. I took some photos of a table I had made for my own home, and I got my first order. It was an American who had a really specific idea for how he wanted the table top coloured and finished. After researching and researching I came across Littlefair's Driftwood Grey Wood Dye. I bought it, made the table (on my driveway as I had no workshop of my own), and the customer absolutely loved it. I remember he was struggling with how to fasten it to his existing table legs, so we ended up on a video call and I took him through it step by step. This isn't something that the place I was working would offer - they were just way too busy. The volume of sales was staggering. That detailed customer service just wasn't possible.
It was then I started to see that I could leave there, and set up shop on my own. I'd been self employed for my whole adult life, it made sense. Making sure that no detail was missed and no customer did not get my full attention when they needed additional support on their purchase. However, I did not have a workshop. Problem.
At this point I had 3 Pomeranians at home that are my world. I didn't want to rent a large unit - given I had no knowledge of what that would entail. So I decided to knock down my garage, reclaim some land around it and build my own workshop. I had never undertaken anything bigger than a planter. I had converted an outbuilding into a home studio - but this was under strict supervision of my father in law. It wasn't quite the same.
I bought my materials, researched everything I needed to know online, watched countless YouTube videos - and after a few months of serious hard work - had myself a workshop. The doors are my upcycled wooden garage doors, my workbench frame is an old bar that was already in the back garden when we moved in, and the chunk of land that was wasted behind my old garage now was utilised as extra workshop space. It was an amazing feeling that I had managed to pull this off - and actually did a really good job of it.
This really got my confidence up. During the peak of the pandemic I was really low given everything I had worked for had been crushed by Covid. In 2006 I upped and moved to Hollywood, California, to study music. I got my degree, came home and began working as a Professional - it's all I had ever done. Now, faced with not being able to perform live and 90% of my students not wanting to learn via video call (which is fair enough) - I found things really difficult. I'd lost my place in the world, or so it felt like.
Enter 'The Happy Wood Company'. The name came to me when I asked myself what does this journey mean to me. It means being happy. It means realising that no matter how long you do the same thing that it is ALWAYS possible to do something else. You just have to put your mind to it and trust yourself a little bit.
From October last year, I have upgraded tools, practiced using them for hours and hours, tried different methods, finishes, waxes, dyes, boxes for packaging, brackets, gluing methods - you name it. Everything I make I have worked on countless practice samples to get it just how I think it should be.
It can be quite overwhelming at times as orders come in and you're already working hard on other orders and projects - it's then I remember why I decided to call the company what I did - The Happy Wood Company. I remember that it's a representation of hope for anyone who feels down and boxed into a working life that maybe needs to change. I still play and teach music, but on a much much smaller scale. I feel like I have taken it back for myself and as a result enjoy it so much more. I can focus on the best customer service. I can focus on every detail. I can focus on - whatever I want to focus on because I built it to give myself hope again.
On top of that - I keep things as sustainable and eco friendly as possible, I am proud to be a Littlefair's Ambassador as simply put - their dyes are the colours they say they are - they're fantastic.
The customer service and support I get on almost a daily basis blows me away, as do their products. There aren't enough companies out there like that.
I am trying new products all the time and have so much more to add to my online store, pedalboards for guitarists, tables, benches, a whole garden furniture range - it's all really exciting and I am glad that I have a company like Littlefair’s to share this journey with.
Thanks for having me and if I can get my mojo back - so can you. Believe in yourself. Be Happy.
Dave // HappyWoodCo
Please follow and like their social media accounts! You’ll find them on Instagram and Facebook! Their search handles are:
Instagram: @happywoodco
Facebook: @happywoodcompany
Now let’s take a look at some of the fantastic pieces of furniture that they’ve created and finished in our range of Water Based Wood Dyes from our Pastel Colours, Traditional Wood Colours and Driftwood Collection.
Sensual Soft White
Golden Pine
English Oak
Driftwood Grey
Thank you for taking your time to read about our Brand Ambassadors. Now it is your turn!
Become a Brand Ambassador!
We are currently looking to bring on a couple more Brand Ambassadors to help promote our business and generate more awareness of our products across social media!
So, are you interested in representing a company that you are passionate about? Whether you are a fan of using our range of Water Based Wood Dyes or you have found that our Extra Strong Varnish is a perfect sealant for your Chalk, Mineral and Milk Paint upcycling projects.. why not join us alongside Blackberry Willow and The Happy Wood Company and become a Brand Ambassador!
- Do you love using our products?
- Do you have an active social media presence?
- Are you passionate about supporting us?
- Most importantly, do you want to become a Brand Ambassador for us?
If you have answered YES to all of the above, please contact with the following details:
- Name and/or company
- All social media account names
- A small paragraph to let us know why you’d like to become a Brand Ambassador and which of our products you currently use (no word count limit!)
Please write in the subject heading ‘F.A.O Lauren - Brand Ambassador’ and we shall await your emails and contact yourselves with more details. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading our blog about Brand Ambassadors and thank you for taking your time to read. Hope to hear from you soon :)!
**Applications closed Friday 5th November 2021. However, if you are interested in becoming a brand ambassador for the future, please still get in touch!**